So, you are to give your first webinar in a few days. Nervous? Of course you are!
Whether you are new to conducting learning via webinar or a seasoned pro, there are a number of things that you can do to better prepare yourself and to ensure that all goes well.
Here are just some of the common sense things that I do, before giving a webinar. Of course, there are many more things that you can do, but doing these will help make for a smoother and better presentation.
+ Remind participants to test their internet and video speeds, if this is their first time, a couple of days in advance. The first time can also include, if they are participating from a new location, not necessarily the first time they have participated in a webinar. This will give them the time to get things worked out. + Send participants specific instructions on how to access the session, when to log in, who to contact for help, and other important reminders.
+ Test all of the links to videos, websites, etc. before the day of the session, and again, the same day, to ensure that all is working well.
+ Do a dry run using the webinar tool. Use a second computer to observe what the participants will see on the day of the webinar. + When conducting your dry run, test the timing of each section.Working with a facilitator/moderator? Then you need to plan, practice and prepare for the webinar.
